ASO Time Series Snow Property Maps and HFAM spatial model outputs

The following video provides examples to the types of projects I have completed for Turlock Irrigation District using Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) data from the Tuolumne watershed of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.
This data was extremely significant regarding the severe drought occurring in 2022 and played a direct role in informing water distribution management teams to make informed decisions regarding water allotment to local recipients.
1. Time series of ASO snow depth data from all 2022 flight surveys, including snow depth loss and gain between dates.
2. Total snow depth loss and gain between the first and last flight surveys of 2022.
3. Snow water equivalent (Swe) measurements of each flight survey.
Snow density model outputs from iSnobal. ASO measures depth with Lidar and computes Swe using iSnobal hydrology model density outputs.
4. Rendered visualization of TID's internal hydrologic modeler (HFAM) output data.
Model values obtained by meteorological parameters and measured values from snow course and snow pillow sensor locations. (Keynote sensors as circles).
5. Comparisons between HFAM and ASO snow water content values.